Driving Inclusion: Why Accessible Travel Is Key to Retaining Employees With Disabilities

While business travel is essential for both company and employee growth, it often isn't fully accessible. Air travel in particular doesn’t always...



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Billy Bishop Launches Sunflower Hidden Disability Program

Billy Bishop Launches Sunflower Hidden Disability Program

Removing accessibility barriers to travel is a topic that is getting some much needed discussion. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program is an initiative aiming to help those with “invisible” or “hidden” disabilities — issues that may not be obvious during a...

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Tips for Making Virtual Events Accessible

Tips for Making Virtual Events Accessible

According to the HLAA, 62% of employees with a disability have an invisible disability. In a virtual environment, it’s even more challenging to know if we are providing all the necessary accommodations for our audience. As we continue to rely on digital communications...

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Research from the 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability revealed that nearly 8 million, or 27% of Canadians above the age of 15, are living with one or more disabilities. Surprisingly, studies also show that 80% of disabilities or conditions can be considered...

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