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Lawmakers Seek To Improve Air Travel For People With Disabilities
A bipartisan group of lawmakers is looking to institute new requirements in order to make air travel easier for passengers with disabilities. Legislation introduced this month in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives calls for the Department of Transportation...
12 Ways Businesses Can Better Serve People With Disabilities
A smart business strives to appeal to as many customers as possible and customers with disabilities love to shop and spend money as much as the next guy. There are over 48.9 million living with a disability in the U.S. Taking notice and appreciating our buying-power...
What Is the Economic Impact of Hiring Autistic, Neurodivergent and Disabled Talent? Here’s What You Should Know.
Here are nine reasons why disability inclusion benefits not just workplaces but the overall economy as well. Much as the world sings paeans of praise about how disability inclusion has become an integral part of workplace culture, concerns around return on investment...
Five practical steps to support employees with disabilities
A diverse and inclusive workplace – two things that are now widely recognised as key drivers for business success. But, despite seven million people in Britain of working age having a disability or health condition, it’s fair to say that people with disabilities are...
Inclusion and Accessibility in the Digital Space
Inclusive and accessible design is a key component for UI and UX. Reaching a broader audience in a way that is effective and meaningful requires considerations of a spectrum of user types, backgrounds and capabilities. Inclusive design is one of those things that you...
How to Market to People with Disabilities
The latest smart phone. A new outfit. A great meal. People with disabilities want the same products and services as everyone else — but we’re often overlooked when it comes to advertising. That’s why smart marketers identify people with disabilities as a viable target...