
Google Launches Two New Chrome Accessibility Extensions

by | Apr 12, 2016 | All, Assistive Devices, Assistive Technology & Devices, Media Coverage, Resources/Tools, Visual Disabilities, Websites


Google recently released two new extensions for its Chrome browser, both aimed at helping persons with disabilities better interact with the Web

The first extension Color Enhancer is designed for people who are color blind. It better distinguish between the shades of colors so thatMan pushing woman up a ramp onto a subway train people can better surf the web. Once you install this extension you can adjust the color temperature. During the setup process you’re asked to pick the row of stars in a grid of stars that look the faintest.

Google’s second extension, Animation Policy, allows you to adjust just how most animated images work in your browser. It will stop auto playing or loop playing animations on the web but don’t worry it won’t stop playing video on web. It stops only animation extensions, which are annoying a lot these days.

Read more at Global Accessibility News.com


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