CRTC invites comments on the potential for a video relay service for Canadians who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired

March 27, 2013 — Today, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) launched a public consultation on whether video relay service for Canadians who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired should be offered. As part of this consultation,...

AccessForward – Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation training

AccessForward offers free resources to help your organization meet the training requirements under Section 7 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. . Curriculum Services Canada, in partnership with the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario, offers a...

How The Mentally Disabled Are Lost In The Legal System

Without legal aid, people with cognitive and learning disabilities cannot cope with the demands of the law Canadians with cognitive and learning disabilities are falling through the cracks of Canada’s legal system. They often lack the skills to deal with details like...