by Trish Robichaud | Jun 18, 2017 | All, Attitudinal Barriers, Invisible Disabilities
Hamilton Spectator, By Sajid Rahman When we think of disability, we are often quick to associate this term to someone in a wheelchair, a person who has paraplegia or a person who is blind or deaf. We imagine someone using a cane, a service animal or hearing aid. But a...
by Trish Robichaud | Mar 15, 2017 | Attitudinal Barriers, Human Rights Cases, Physical Disabilities, Public Spaces
Human rights complaint filed against Danforth Avenue tavern By Joanna Lavoie, East York Mirror Haily Butler-Henderson just wanted to use the restroom at a local bar and grill. Instead, she said, she encountered discrimination against a person with a disability. The...
by Trish Robichaud | Jul 6, 2016 | Accommodations, All, Attitudinal Barriers, Barriers, Business Case for Accessibility, Employment, Media Coverage, Physical Barriers, Physical Disabilities, Support Persons
CHICAGO: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. violated federal law by failing to provide reasonable accommodations to an employee at its Hodgkins, Ill., store who was disabled by bone cancer and failing to stop harassment of the employee, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity...
by Trish Robichaud | Feb 22, 2016 | All, Attitudinal Barriers, Barriers, Chronic Illness, Education, Invisible Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Systemic Barriers, Types of Disabilities
Some disabilities are more obvious than others. Many are immediately apparent, especially if someone relies on a wheelchair or cane. But others — known as “invisible” disabilities — are not. People who live with them face particular challenges in the...
by Trish Robichaud | Sep 14, 2015 | Accommodations, All, Attitudinal Barriers, Employment, Mental Health Disabilities
The following is a short story taken from IN OUR SHOES: Practical Strategies for AODA Compliance, a catalogue of real-life situations where people with disabilities encounter barriers to inclusion. Those stories go on to also provide real-life solutions & best...
by Trish Robichaud | Aug 18, 2015 | Accommodations, All, Attitudinal Barriers, Education, Employment, Visual Disabilities
The following is a short story taken from IN OUR SHOES: Practical Strategies for AODA Compliance, a catalogue of real-life situations where people with disabilities encounter barriers to inclusion. Those stories go on to also provide real-life solutions & best...