by Trish Robichaud | Jun 24, 2013 | All, Disability Statistics, Education, Employment, Physical Disabilities
Source: UNICEF PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI: When the 2010 earthquake struck, Jean Saint-Phar was buried and knocked unconscious by the collapsing walls of the classroom where he was studying engineering. After he woke up, hours passed with no sign of rescue. He feared he...
by Trish Robichaud | Jun 21, 2013 | All, Education, Hearing Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Resources/Tools, Types of Disabilities
At Learning Ally, a national non-profit since 1948, our mission is to promote personal achievement when access and reading are barriers to learning by advancing the use of accessible and effective educational solutions. While Learning Ally remains a leading provider...
by Trish Robichaud | Jun 20, 2013 | All, Assistive Technology & Devices, Education, Events
Amazon improved its Kindle iOS app accessibility. The updated version 3.8 of the app is to adjust line spacing, Multipage Highlights and Print Replica Textbooks notebook improvements. Amazon added accessibility improvements in latest’s update including the ability to...
by Trish Robichaud | Jun 18, 2013 | Accessible Documents, All, Media Coverage, Resources/Tools
Last fall, Oregon became the first state in the nation to utilize tablet technology in elections. Now in the state’s latest technology move, Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown has arranged to provide Samsung Series 7 PC tablets, featuring the Windows 8 operating...
by Trish Robichaud | Jun 17, 2013 | All, Employment, Funding Announcements, Government Publications, Media Coverage, Public Spaces
DUNNVILLE, ONTARIO- The official opening of 21 new affordable rental housing units for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities was held today in Dunnville. The project received more than $2.5 million in funding from the federal and provincial governments. The...