
3d illustration of under construction barrierPhysical Barriers

  • Exist in a structural environment that interferes with or impedes a person with a physical disability from accessing a particular location or service.

Communication Barriers

  • Exist when an individual is unable to access information in a format they can use. Alternate forms of communication include such things as audiocassette, Braille, large print, closed captioned video and computer diskette.

Systemic Barriers

      • Occur when practices or policies are put in place that discriminate against individuals by screening them out from participation.

Attitudinal Barriers

  • Are inaccurate beliefs or perceptions about a person’s ability based on assumptions and a lack of direct knowledge. This type of barrier impacts accessibility on all levels since most of the other barriers are rooted in attitudes as well. These can be the hardest to address in spite of the fact that they are the ones that we have the most control over.


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